Friday, November 12, 2010

What To Do When A Baby Chokes On Phlegm

Games Workshop miniatures and scenery

The blog is the WA forum and the forum, despite its name does not focus exclusively and Cerradicas Warhammer Fantasy or 40K. Fortunately we have much more to talk about in that forum, to be given a tour of all the topics you can talk on this ... yes, we like to paint miniatures and play with them, but we're people like anyone, just that monkeys paint, scale models and other things related to this little art (many are in charge of making it big).

The title of the post leaves the company, company or corporation, I can not define it exactly, that was what brought us this game a while ago. GW bought the rights to a game called Hero Quest (we all sound familiar, even those who never played) in the 80's and with the passage of time and some people have what is now Warhammer Fantasy; More than a game or an RPG, is a completely fictional world, the medieval theme is my favorite for a long time and if you have a little curiosity will realize that every race is a universe immersed in another, for this is that the game and the universe of WF hardly get bored ...


... but if that were the case there is more than armor, swords, shields, axes and hammers, who said we can not use a plasma rifle? (Sorry if not used plasma rifles 40K, I have not played ... yet)

So, besides the knights have 'the future' as we all imagine it's smaller ... or something like that. It's a future a little too conflict but not better or worse than Fantasy, I'm not in a position to judge whether one is better than another and I'm still a novice in the subject, but that does not stop anyone from enjoying a good game of 40K, (if you've seen movies like Back to the Future , Alien vs Predator or The War of the Worlds [classic version, the new is not worth] know what it feels like to see a game of 40K).

40K Galaxy Map

And guess what? the thing does not end here. Do you like The Lord of the Rings? There is something for even custom made for you. Could also call him a different universe to those already mentioned, but we already know a bit without us got into the hobby. Tolkien's work in miniatures and models have the advantage that the miniatures of this game are more realistic and less cartoonish than in the other universes (though sometimes not know if that is an advantage because they are smaller than those of Fantasy and 40K).

middle earth

ended the post by mentioning those who can not miss, Warhammer Historical. Possibly my favorite (even more than my dwarf Fantasy) and that I have not even a piece of them. They have many details and paint me as a real challenge that I intend to win someday. Roman, Napoleonic, First and Second World Wars, Vietnam, and much more.


Anything more? Is not that enough? Broadly speaking, this is the reason why I think the Warhammer as * HOBBY * at the same level as the D & D.

Now, I leave a collection of links that we MUST visit like I did :


Why maps?

Because they look like a good way to show how wide is the universe of Warhammer.

Why Roman legionaries?

For emblematic, at least for me ... well to put a world map would have been very interesting to say.

This was Galarion.


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