Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Side Effects Of Tarceva

fallen Links ABC prepares the American version of 'There is no one alive'

actress 'Modern Family' Sofia Vergara and Ben Silverman will take the American market the series of José Luis Moreno.

We had seen the French version, Portugal, Argentina, and even Greek, and if everything continues, next fall will see the American. ABC has given the green light for the preproduction of the American adaptation of 'There is no one alive', according to the portal Deadline.

Ben Silverman, producer of shows like 'The Office', 'Ugly Berry' or 'The Tudors' and the actress 'Modern Family' Sofia Vergara will be responsible for carrying out this adaptation, entitled 'I hate this place'.

The American version will display the residents' crazy series, focusing on the figure of the president of the community - also a school teacher, and his son, and the difficulties to put neighbors at bay.

Craig Doyle has been responsible for adapting the first script of the series, if everything continues, record the pilot in early 2011 to be released the fall of that year. With adaptation, will well Vergara's first foray into a work of this scale behind the scenes.


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