Monday, August 10, 2009

Free Shows Of Making Love

One of the essential aspects of curating From here and on the other side is direct interaction with artists from the region, while is considered one of the mechanisms through which we can all help stimulate thinking and artistic processes of which we participate, is dialogue.

In this sense, is the interest of teachers and Eduard Tolosa Germain
Velasco initiate direct contact with artists and others interested in participating in this call, for which it calls a meeting of the portfolio presentation Saturday, August 15, 8:00 am. to 12:00 pm School of Fine Arts of the UIS.

portfolio presentation on this date is NOT a requirement to participate in the Hall but the opportunity to exchange ideas and concerns with curators, in order to review individual artistic processes and provide a more personal and direct support to artists. However, YES is a prerequisite for those interested in their shops are visited.

artists who so wish may send their portfolios to email .


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