Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Acourstic Poem For Republicans

Currently the Regional curatorial be Socialize your curatorial projects ALEJANDRO BURGOS
Curator entitled
Day: 20 and November 21
Time: 9:00 Am Place
: Conference Room of the Municipal Institute of Culture and Tourism of Bucaramanga
Invites Fine Arts Ministry of Municipal BucaramangaInstituto Culture and Tourism of Culture
Free admission

Alejandro Burgos Bernal. He began his studies in philosophy and letters at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, obtained a grant from the Italian government and concluded at the Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza". There also, in collaboration with the macro (Museo d'Arte Contempora-nea di Roma) - studied MA in curating contemporary art exhibitions. Currently lives in Bogotá. He has published in Colombia and Spain. In 2001 he won the International Poetry Prize Gabriel Celaya Dulcamara with the book, published in Va-lence in the same year by the editorial Germania.


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