Monday, August 24, 2009

Foods For Diabetic With Rheumatism


Hi Alexander, received a cordial greeting. Thanks for sharing your proposal. I must say about the ideas that move their interests are really interesting and certainly important to address.

However, as compared to the image that you share, I think, with all respect, they must work harder in finding, testing and building more creative images, because as you have the elements, drawings of faces by example, are in a very illustrative status, so as strange a more proactive, innovative in both design and composition, to name a few items. For example, the drawing is very gentle and shy, you need character, (I understand that is sketch, but nevertheless, and should reveal line proposal, if you play with different strokes or gauges say).
The composition is too centered and thus becomes a billboard scheme, the centrality it is ridiculous to be used, therefore, will miss most dynamic, and visual impact, so the proposal is more innovative and proactive, bolder, more daring.
My advice, with all respect, is that more research on the behavior of the image in the world today, the color, the forms of writing, but hand in hand with their interests in the idea. Historicist view pictures, books and magazines, and generate shock from color, and composition, would be an example to consider.
For now I would say that, and if you keep in touch, but more sketching strange, is not good to stay with a first and only choice. So long, and encouragement, Toloza Germain.

Arnulfo, received a cordial greeting. We receive your mail while both Andrea and I, and we were outstanding. As you propose, we will be looking to get the folder UIS Fine Arts, but is probably already come, will perform today with my secretary, Rosa.
For now I say that the proposal continues to interest me enough, I think we fed and look great from the theme of landscape, and why not from the political. Soon, a hug, Germain Toloza.

RESPONSE Wolfgang, collective unconscious, Cucuta.
Hi Wolfgang, cordial greeting. Receive your mail in which he shares the magazine kindly COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS, received the most sincere congratulations on this very important work for the region and also with so much effort, as is noted in the layout, illustration and the current issues are addressed.
we would be glad if you can, that caused us to get some copies to give to know the students and teachers of fine arts and general good in the world of art and culture. Later, when more time, we will gladly participate with some text, again, thanks for the invitation.

Well, go ahead with such beautiful work and again congratulations. TOLOZA Germain.

Hi Gabriel, thanks for sharing interventions images of rocks, or as you call BALLS. I think they look cool as gestures in public space or in nature, but would have to say, to intervene many should be done with caution as the stones themselves, in color, texture and shape, and are interesting , painting and stuff too, could enter problematized from organic matter.

However, I think those gestures pictorial advantage may become more linked to processes involving people, in some kind of attitude, I dunno, it all depends on your interests, and make photographic records. In conclusion there more research from this gesture that he came. Study may in principle the Japanese garden to understand the idea of \u200b\u200brocks and the spiritual meaning of the same in nature, but putting other aesthetic expressions would be popular neighborhood from elements such as painting of electricity poles , paintings on the asphalt, etc.., because it would come to understand interesting aspects of plastic communication from people in their everyday spaces.

A special greeting you soon, Germain Toloza.

William, cordial greeting. I watched the images of his work with Andrea King, and actually seemed pretty good. I would like to see more jobs, for now I will go to the Chamber of Commerce for his presentation. It seems very relevant to present at regional, I like the strategy and sources of images, and the pictorial relationship with television and film.
For now, greetings and batteries, well that is submitted to Regional, any concern for the blog, with Andrea or mail it, Germain Toloza.

Hello Mary Alexandra, received a cordial greeting. Thanks by mail. In this regard I must say the ideas that drive the proposal are very interesting and well that this political eventualities as contextualized in our day to day. Then there is all very well stated in the letter, justified and others.

However, it is important and urgent to say, see images in order to make any comment or contribution to how are you proposing solutions, because here the image is crucial to see if we achieve the objectives set.

thank the earliest share pictures soon, Germain TOLOZA.

Hi Camila, I would say hello. Thanks for sharing your work with me and the group organizer. I really love the work, I think there is something very strong and well connected with aspects convincing as to think the body and the spiritual TODAY revealed in him. I congratulate you.

I think there are two ways mentioned, both interesting, we should see and choose to send to the Regional Chamber, I think, now that I would go for the bodies that are complete on the floor, such as special lighting. But see, I would like if you can invite us to Edward to see the work. It is important to see the formats, then do not menciona.Un hug TOLOZA Germain.

Hi Ender, received a cordial greeting. Thanks for sharing your proposal. I say this, the ideals they pursued, which addresses the social commitment from the proximity to the processes of expression, is very welcome, important and necessary in this regard I congratulate you.
While the proposal, I must say it is not clear, especially starting with the goal that I think should be revised and better structured so that from the beginning we have very clear and defined the project. In this sense first reviews the problem, determínalo more clearly. Because in reality I perceive it would be a community-type work in which people from the elements that you offer by way of aid or tool, are expressed and there are some visual results are what you share. But there is a structured as artistic statement (pun intended), it looks a clear strategy that deserves to be displayed, which also allows the gesture to suggest something as creative as a process to exhibit, and we would then with the will and important work as a social actor meets you.

Julius Caesar Best regards. We have received your portfolio, thanks for sharing. We're just looking at all emails sent to us, answering concerns of artists and others. Soon send a comment about the pictures you send.
soon, Germain TOLOZA.

How To Get My Wife To Have A Lesbian Experience

Yours sincerely,

I hope the time that has passed has given them enough space to address the transformation that started from APPLIANCE that each one of you chose.

I tell you now Bucaramanga did in a second meeting in which some were in what was the process and really was very rewarding, because from very simple devices, managed to do very interesting proposals. The audience showed their proposals and we did an exercise critical of formal solutions, possible corrections and possibilities to stage the product.

Bucaramanga, on Saturday August 29 will a third meeting, in which those who were not a fortnight ago, can do to expose its outcome. I invite you to cheer, to share the process of artifacts, of being able to provide each of the facts.

People SAN CRISTOBAL, be encouraged that our second meeting for the artifacts and their creations will after October 8, when we go to Eduard. It's good to look at contemporary artists who work with objects, to compare solutions, and transformed by the different methods that we saw in the first game, deconstructing, hybridizing, serialized, changing scale, assembling, decontextualized, accompanied by other elements or images, and so any method that allows us to transform ideas creatively and stage around the appliance chosen.

Alberto Borja. Cigarette.

Walter Gomez. Aloe. Mutants care of the house.

remember that we need to be bold, not shy to play and transform things, the levels of shock and impact that we can achieve the result, is gain, the less bored when we find solutions much better, and also we can take the space to put things, to combine and make objects talk, text, etc. We

reference the surrealist sculptors, but mostly looking for some contemporaries remember Doris Salcedo, León Ferrari, Wilson Diaz, etc.. Etc. But beyond the exact names, look in magazines, books and the internet, searching for such contemporary sculptors.

Well, lots of encouragement and hope at the next visit, a hug. Germain Toloza.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Clf2-polar Or Nonpolar


The curator of the Hall Regional Artists 13 eastern zone want to tell the artists from the region the project called "The storax ", designed and socialized by Walter Gómez and other proponents, not related to 13 Hall Regional Artists, is a completely independent event .

consider it important to make this clarification in response to concerns raised various artists who claim to be confused with the alternate proposals because of the theme handles two announced by the curators of the Regional Chamber, and because it is supported by the same tutor, teacher Nydia Gutiérrez. Any

Additional concerns please contact the curators of curatorial FROM HERE AND ON THE OTHER SIDE, teachers Germain Toloza and Edward Velasco, via e 13sra.oriente @ and / or blog curaduria13regionaloriente.blogspot . com.

Monday, August 10, 2009

How To Play Pokemon Game From Cydia

Give me your support

Hello ...

Thanks for all the comments I leave are accustomed to, but will not receive any response in the minority cases, I read all the comments and thank you heartily.

I wanted to ask a favor, only if you feel like is that you enter in this direction

and cliquéis in fifth star to give me a votito.

Thank you all!

Free Shows Of Making Love

One of the essential aspects of curating From here and on the other side is direct interaction with artists from the region, while is considered one of the mechanisms through which we can all help stimulate thinking and artistic processes of which we participate, is dialogue.

In this sense, is the interest of teachers and Eduard Tolosa Germain
Velasco initiate direct contact with artists and others interested in participating in this call, for which it calls a meeting of the portfolio presentation Saturday, August 15, 8:00 am. to 12:00 pm School of Fine Arts of the UIS.

portfolio presentation on this date is NOT a requirement to participate in the Hall but the opportunity to exchange ideas and concerns with curators, in order to review individual artistic processes and provide a more personal and direct support to artists. However, YES is a prerequisite for those interested in their shops are visited.

artists who so wish may send their portfolios to email .