Tuesday, September 28, 2010

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The WA Forum usually be enough
movement in the subforum of stories, users post their stories, backgrounds and characters created by unleashing your imagination, and to the delight of users who want to read the things that can happen in the worlds of Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40000.

can find great short stories or sagas, many words strung created by fans who love the hobby. Some stories are contextualized in the background official, others are more free, and others create in itself a background or fill gaps in the official background.

Want some fun reading? Do you want to know more about the worlds of Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K ? Do you want to see what's on the minds of fans like you hobby? Or perhaps you want to know who could help in this project trasfondístico you have?, Stop by the Library of Warhammer Here and read!.

Library Warhammer Here

Library Characters Created

Sunday, September 12, 2010

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digital magazine Given Blood and Suggestions and Complaints


and Blood Given is an online magazine (downloadable online. numbers to download and view online at the bottom of this article) created by foreros Forum Warhammer Here , in an attempt to post articles, news, battle reports, ... etc on the hobby of miniatures, as Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40K and even LOTR, not excluding the possibility of other game systems.

If you use the Forum Warhammer here: Do you want an item made by you appear in Blood and Dice? , oslo sent to the email address sangreydados (at) gmail.com putting in the subject matter "Item: the name of your article." Your article will eventually appear in one of the numbers of the magazine if you consider it correct. Your article is only for cosmetic retouching, layout and correccción, the rest will remain unchanged and no doubt your name / nick appear as author of your article, in the same article and in "back credits."

Do you have a drawing or a cartoon? Do you have an interesting story? Do you have a mini you have been "hell of" '? "A report of battle-style" war correspondent "?, Then come on to send it ( sangreydados (at) gmail.com ) and you can get to appear on pages of T & D .

Do I need to be Warhammer or Warhammer 40K?, No, if you have an item or something you want to inform people send it to us at T & D is not all Warhammer.

Have a suggestion or complaint?, Write to sangreydados (a) gmail.com, put in the subject line "Suggestion" or "Complaint."

Journal and Dice Blood 01 -> Download ---- Read online

Journal and Dice Blood 02 -> Download ---- Read online

Blood Magazine Given and 03 -> Download ---- Read online

Blood Magazine and Dice 04 -> Download ---- Read online

Friday, September 3, 2010

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can not have things to everyone's taste, but you can always make suggestions or complaints regarding the operation display, design, tags, etc, the Blog.

So this article will serve to aporteis what you think you can improve or clogging in the Blog, you have no more than putting a comment response to this article with your suggestions or complaints, do not forget to put your nick, as no case to make anonymous posts or comments.